Listing specific wallet or all wallets associated with your Merchant

List specific fiat and crypto wallet or all wallets for your Embedded Partner Merchant ( EPM)

To allow your EPM to execute any crypto and/or fiat transaction, you will need to list either the specific wallet or all wallets associated with the EPM account. Using the API call listed below, you can list wallet(s) specific to your Merchant.

For this step, we will be using the List wallet endpoint on the API


Executing API calls on behalf of your Merchant

Make sure to set x-account-reference header with a value corresponding to the EPM account received using the webhook when account is opened.

The example below is for requesting details for a specific wallet:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: Hawk id="B9jnE1U8eLblzHtNeJZRxfcq03CQKcmcP9FOrACMzXb1HfrxrePWsTfuP70JNns9", ts="1633010032", nonce="guGXrD", mac="uKeg+w1qXqzaF/8mOQGv8Y9IlRxyxTT+iINLe03EQ60="' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'x-account-reference: 558f2eb7-3395-44d8-a489-2d0c6cf62e98'

Once you've sent the request for listing the wallet, you should receive a response like this:

    "id": 313675,
    "description": "ETH wallet",
    "currency": {
        "id": 1969,
        "code": "ETH",
        "fiat": false,
        "icon": "",
        "name": "Ethereum",
        "withdrawalParameters": [],
        "options": {
            "address": "{{address}}",
            "confirmations": 12,
            "transaction": "{{hash}}",
            "explorer": ""
        "withdrawalFee": 0.001000000000000000,
        "depositFee": 0,
        "supportsDeposits": true,
        "supportsWithdrawals": true,
        "quantityPrecision": 5,
        "pricePrecision": 5,
        "protocols": [
                "code": "ETH",
                "network": "Ethereum"
    "supportsWithdrawals": true,
    "supportsDeposits": true,
    "custodianWallet": null,
    "supportsThirdParty": false,
    "isEmoney": false,
    "protocol": "ETH",
    "address": null,
    "lookup": null,
    "balance": 0,
    "available": 0,
    "withdrawalFee": 0.001000000000000000,
    "depositFee": 0,
    "convertedAvailable": 0,
    "alternatives": [],
    "approxAvailable": "0",
    "approxBalance": "0",
    "approxConvertedAvailable": "0"

You'll find in this response the address that you could choose to expose to your EPM, allowing them to transfer their crypto from another venue in to the newly created wallet. The response also contains the wallet id which needs to be used when converting between fiat to crypto and vice versa.

Execute this call below to list all wallets:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: Hawk id="B9jnE1U8eLblzHtNeJZRxfcq03CQKcmcP9FOrACMzXb1HfrxrePWsTfuP70JNns9", ts="1633010032", nonce="guGXrD", mac="uKeg+w1qXqzaF/8mOQGv8Y9IlRxyxTT+iINLe03EQ60="' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
		 --header 'x-account-ref: 39bd9cd2-8d57-4547-ae2a-f82c5bc328ce' \