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USD to stable coins transation flow

Using BVNK banks api, how can a user create a flow that enable a client to pay USD and under the hood it converts it to the users USDT wallet?


Can I create a drain apl with bank, for example you click on the link and choose the network of cryptocurrency, once it connects to your wallet(trustwallet or exodus) it automatically withdraw the exact payment amount

On-Ramp workflow

Want to know, which APIs have to be call for on-ramp workflow? And what are the process of fiat to crypt of particular wallet address.


How can I get a payout Remitter wallet address if I know only payment id, using API

I want to get a remitter wallet (the wallet the money were sent from) of my payouts. Is that possible?


Connect with Trust Wallet

Can this library or plugin be connected with the Trust Wallet app, and then use the network that is already available in the Trust Wallet app? Can you please suggest if it is supported or not?


Self-custody of merchant payins



Webhook signature verification failed for certain requests

I'm attempting to verify the signature in the webhook header. I can verify the signatures for "transactionDetected" events and a few "statusChanged" events. However, the signature does not match for any of the subsequent webhook requests that I've received.


P2P Money Tranfer



Unknown terms when get the merchant ID. Can anyone describe ?

In header authorization what is the ts,nonce and mac?
Is that mac address of my own pc?