Creating a Company Customer
This endpoint enables you to easily create an individual entity customer within the system.
Early Access
Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.
You will need to collect information about the customer before proceeding with the request to create one. Apart from the typical information you will also need to include the industry reference number and the expected monthly volumes.
Idempotency supported endpoint
This means you can retry a request without worrying about it being processed multiple times.
To use this feature, add the
header with a unique value (a UUID). This ensures the request is only processed once, even if it's sent multiple times.
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | POST |
Sandbox | POST |
Create request
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: 0b3ed172-e24f-43f5-a901-4f7b6d138ebe' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="vbfc61D890wg6LAAVbkR11qP9O6cXeMNmKWgcUNZaOHPiQeebp9cl6h02tWv84R8", ts="1728655954", nonce="MdPBLt", mac="jGEwZvz7rVO3lM3Ose8Ww1PtgnsHBe7eFph3Nzj5H6Y="' \
--data '{
"type": "COMPANY",
"company": {
"name": "Fast Food Ltd",
"description": "Description for Fast Food Ltd",
"taxResidenceCountryCode": "GB",
"registrationNumber": "123456",
"industryReference": "30ea15fc-06d8-11ef-b6e1-027612b7f6b5",
"monthlyExpectedVolumesReference": "ef779c41-547e-11ef-8b9c-027612b7f6b5",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "123 Main Street",
"addressLine2": "Apartment 456",
"postalCode": "NW1 4NP",
"city": "London",
"countryCode": "GB"
"representative": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-12-31",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "1, Oxford Street",
"addressLine2": "Apartment 9",
"postalCode": "NW1 4NP",
"city": "London",
"countryCode": "GB"
The details supplied to the create a Company entity customer
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
type | String | Yes | The type of customers. Currently COMPANY only is allowed, which indicates its a business customer. |
company | Object | Yes | Contains the company details for the customer. | | String | Yes | The name of the customer. |
company.description | String | No | Optional field for the description of the customer |
company.monthlyExpectedVolumesReference | String | Yes | Monthly expected volumes reference. Get the list here. |
company.industryReference | String | Yes | Industry reference. Get the list here. |
company.taxResidenceCountryCode | String | Yes | The company tax residence country code for the customer. |
company.registrationNumber | String | Yes | The company registration number for the customer. |
company.address | Object | Yes | Contains company address details. |
company.address. addressLine1 | String | Yes | The company address for the customer. |
company.address. addressLine2 | String | No | Optional field to add another address line. |
company.address. city | String | Yes | The company address city for the customer. |
company.address. postalCode | String | Yes | The company address postal code for the customer. |
company.address. countryCode | String | Yes | The company address country code for the customer. |
company.representative | Object | Yes | Contains information about the company representative for the customer. |
company.representative. firstName | String | Yes | The company representative first name. |
company.representative. lastName | String | Yes | The company representative last name. |
company.representative. dateOfBirth | String | Yes | The company representative date of birth. |
company.representative.address | Object | Yes | Validation is similar to the above company.address . This object expects details for the company representative address. |
Response Code | Description |
202 | Successful operation. |
400 | Bad request. |
"reference": "a7e21c62-27b8-4b3b-b51e-eb10edeb1731",
"status": "PENDING"
Attribute | Type | Description |
reference | string | A unique identifier for the customer. |
status | string | The current status of the customer. Possible values include: - PENDING - customer is pending verification,- VERIFIED - customer has been verified,- REJECTED - customer has been rejected during verification. |
"code": "ACCOUNTS-2000",
"status": "BAD_REQUEST",
"message": "Invalid request",
"details": {
"documentLink": null,
"errors": {
"monthlyExpectedVolumesReference": [
"Monthly expected volumes with reference: a4318a0d-5316-11ef-9887-0289b1b0d83d does not exist"
"industryReference": [
"Industry with reference: 56e65ebc-06fa-11ef-bbf8-02d3d923cf2b does not exist"
Updated 2 months ago