Retrieve Embedded Customer Details
This endpoint allows you to retrieve the information about a specific Embedded Partner Customer within the system. By using this endpoint, you can access key customer data, including their profile, associated wallets and other relevant details. You can either list all Embedded Partner Customers or else choose to list only a specific one. Examples below:
Early Access
Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.
This endpoint includes pagination.
: page number which starts from 0size
: page size which limits the number of returned customers in the response
Retrieving all Embedded Partner Customer details
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | GET |
Sandbox | GET |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="vOjKT0txxpp6TMQP6QTQziyBjAiVnMGNH3dbFa0SGhK7OFsMD6lWFPaN8TXCqkXk", ts="1724508332", nonce="O7KMY1", mac="yBxrGq5pKFcAe0taEYf/OI3rQwJDHHF3S6rZB9WVjCw="'
"content": [
"reference": "8a0e1da2-2af3-4b9e-a221-e74db4e01b06",
"status": "VERIFIED",
"type": "COMPANY",
"model": "EMBEDDED",
"name": "LB Ltd.",
"description": "Embedded customer"
"reference": "e38af699-5595-4ec4-a4d3-89b85e4fc906",
"status": "PENDING",
"type": "COMPANY",
"model": "EMBEDDED",
"name": "The Walt Disney company",
"description": "Embedded customer two"
"pageable": {
"pageNumber": 0,
"pageSize": 2,
"sort": {
"empty": true,
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true
"offset": 0,
"paged": true,
"unpaged": false
"last": false,
"totalPages": 42,
"totalElements": 83,
"first": true,
"size": 2,
"number": 0,
"sort": {
"empty": true,
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true
"numberOfElements": 2,
"empty": false
Retrieving details for a specific Embedded Partner Customer
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | GET{customerReference} |
Sandbox | GET{customerReference} |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="vbfc61D890wg6LAAVbkR11qP9O6cXeMNmKWgcUNZaOHPiQeebp9cl6h02tWv84R8", ts="1728655974", nonce="daA3d2", mac="57bCwwkcIObYV8pIGUJNUg/F66g24wAGr4p4VcbwyFc="'
Response Code | Status |
200 | Successful operation. |
404 | The specified resource was not found. |
"reference": "8a0e1da2-2af3-4b9e-a221-e74db4e01b06",
"status": "PENDING",
"type": "COMPANY",
"company": {
"name": "LB Ltd.",
"description": "Embedded customer",
"taxResidenceCountryCode": "US",
"registrationNumber": "21-4532998",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "101 West Broadway",
"addressLine2": "Suite 1975",
"city": "San Diego",
"postalCode": "92101",
"countryCode": "US",
"country": "United States"
"associates": [
"person": {
"reference": "911685b0-acaa-418d-bd91-ed80b96c62cf",
"firstName": "Sean",
"lastName": "Bond",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-01-31",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "101 West Broadway",
"addressLine2": "Suite 1975",
"city": "San Diego",
"postalCode": "92101",
"countryCode": "US",
"country": "United States"
"details": {
"birthCountryCode": "US",
"contactInfo": {
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": "+123456789"
"documentNumber": "123456789",
"documentInfo": {
"number": "123456789",
"issuingCountryCode": "US"
"taxIdentification": {
"number": "914764628",
"taxResidenceCountryCode": "US"
"title": "CEO",
"riskScore": "LOW",
"controls": {
"hasOwnership": true,
"hasControl": true,
"isSigner": false
"verification": {
"url": "",
"status": "infoRequired"
"person": {
"reference": "c4cfa062-ea5f-49ca-96e0-8495e648520e",
"firstName": "Luke",
"lastName": "Dickens",
"dateOfBirth": "2001-01-31",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "101 West Broadway",
"addressLine2": "Suite 1975",
"city": "San Diego",
"postalCode": "92101",
"countryCode": "US",
"country": "United States"
"details": {
"birthCountryCode": "US",
"contactInfo": {
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": "+123456789"
"documentNumber": "123456789",
"documentInfo": {
"number": "123456789",
"issuingCountryCode": "US"
"taxIdentification": {
"number": "914764628",
"taxResidenceCountryCode": "US"
"title": "Representative",
"riskScore": "LOW",
"controls": {
"hasOwnership": false,
"hasControl": false,
"isSigner": true
"verification": {
"url": "",
"status": "infoRequired"
"verification": {
"url": "",
"status": "infoRequired"
"riskScore": "LOW"
Attribute | Type | Description |
reference | String | A unique identifier for the customer request. |
status | String | Status of the customer (e.g., "VERIFIED"). Possible statuses could include PENDING, VERIFIED, REJECTED. |
type | String | The type of customer. |
company | Object | Details about the company. | | String | Name of the company. |
company.description | String | Description of the company. |
company.taxResidenceCountryCode | String | Country code for tax residence. |
company.registrationNumber | String | Registration number of the company. |
company.industry | Object | The industry details of the company. |
company.industry. reference | String | Industry reference ID. |
company.industry. name | String | Name of the industry. |
company.address | Object | The address of the company. |
company.address. addressLine1 | String | Primary address line. |
company.address. addressLine2 | String | Secondary address line. |
company.address. postalCode | String | Postal code. |
company.address. city | String | City. |
company.address. countryCode | String | Country code. |
company.address. country | String | Full country name. | | Object | The representative of the company. | reference | String | Unique reference of the associated individual | firstName | String | First name of the associated individual. | lastName | String | Last name of the representative. | dateOfBirth | String | Date of birth of the representative. | address | Object | The representative address of the company. | addressLine1 | String | Primary address line of the representative. | addressLine2 | String | Secondary address line of the representative. | postalCode | String | Postal code of the representative. | city | String | City of the representative. | countryCode | String | Country code of the representative. | country | String | Full country name of the representative. |
Retrieving details by specifying page and size
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | GET{page}&size={size} |
Sandbox | GET{page}&size={size}\ |
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="vbfc61D890wg6LAAVbkR11qP9O6cXeMNmKWgcUNZaOHPiQeebp9cl6h02tWv84R8", ts="1728656129", nonce="nt0eD9", mac="gv77Nu/nVWEQo8sfp/leXrC8xVs6UlOG+AoxZlyltJw="'
"content": [
"reference": "61461ad5-0599-4a4a-8e4e-c2575605f5bb",
"status": "PENDING",
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "UK Ltd Version 2.0",
"description": "Number 1 customer, be super nice."
"reference": "60bf3fed-7e76-4cc8-9c1f-e0f19878e0c8",
"status": "PENDING",
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "UK Ltd Version 2.0",
"description": "Number 1 customer, be super nice."
"pageable": {
"pageNumber": 0,
"pageSize": 2,
"sort": {
"empty": true,
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true
"offset": 0,
"paged": true,
"unpaged": false
"last": false,
"totalPages": 5,
"totalElements": 9,
"first": true,
"size": 2,
"number": 0,
"sort": {
"empty": true,
"sorted": false,
"unsorted": true
"numberOfElements": 2,
"empty": false
Pageable details:
Attribute | Type | Description |
pageNumber | Integer | Current page number (e.g., 0 for the first page). |
pageSize | Integer | Number of records per page (e.g., 2). |
sort.empty | Boolean | Whether the sort criteria is empty (true means no sorting). |
sort.sorted | Boolean | Whether the results are sorted (false means no sorting). |
sort.unsorted | Boolean | Whether the results are unsorted (true means not sorted). |
offset | Integer | Offset of the first record (e.g., 0, meaning no offset). |
paged | Boolean | Whether the results are paginated (true). |
unpaged | Boolean | Whether the results are not paginated (false). |
last | Boolean | Whether this is the last page of results (false means more pages exist). |
totalPages | Integer | Total number of pages (e.g., 10 pages). |
totalElements | Integer | Total number of elements across all pages (e.g., 20 elements). |
first | Boolean | Whether this is the first page (true). |
size | Integer | Number of elements per page (e.g., 2). |
number | Integer | The current page number (e.g., 0 for the first page). |
sort.empty | Boolean | Whether the sort criteria is empty (true). |
sort.sorted | Boolean | Whether the results are sorted (false). |
sort.unsorted | Boolean | Whether the results are unsorted (true). |
numberOfElements | Integer | Number of elements in the current page (e.g., 2). |
empty | Boolean | Whether the page is empty (false means there are elements). |
Updated 19 days ago