Check the Status of a Payout
The Payout Status API endpoint allows you to check the current status of an initiated payout. It can also be used to verify the payout's state after receiving status change webhooks or whenever additional confirmation is required.
Early Access
Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | GET{{transactionReference}} |
Sandbox | GET{{transactionReference}} |
"transactionReference": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"paymentReference": "Payment for invoice #12345",
"amount": {
"value": 1000,
"currency": "GBP"
"fee": {
"value": 0.00,
"currency": "GBP"
"walletId": "a:24071743003474:xE95Oq7:1",
"status": "PROCESSING",
"createdAt": "2024-09-26T14:30:00Z",
"details": {
"type": "FIAT",
"beneficiary": {
"entityType": "COMPANY",
"businessDetails": {
"businessName": "Doe Corp"
"address": {
"addressLine1": "123 Main St",
"addressLine2": "Apt 4B",
"region": "London",
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postCode": "12345",
"fullAddress": "123 Main St Suite 500"
"bankAccount": {
"format": "IBAN",
"bankName": "ABC Bank",
"accountNumber": "GB29NWBK60161331926819",
"bankCode": "NWBKGB2L",
"bankAddress": {
"addressLine1": "123 Main St",
"addressLine2": "Suite 500",
"region": "London",
"city": "London",
"country": "GB",
"postCode": "12345",
"fullAddress": "123 Main St Suite 500"
"correspondentBic": "ABCDEF12"
"metadata": {
"field1": "field1 value",
"field2": "field2 value"
Attribute | Type | Description |
transactionReference | String | Unique reference identifier for the transaction. |
paymentReference | String | Reference or description for the payment. |
amount | Object | Object containing the amount and currency of the transaction. |
amount.value | Number | The value of the transaction. |
amount.currency | String | The currency of the transaction. |
fee | Object | Object containing the fee amount and currency. |
fee.value | Number | The value of the fee. |
fee.currency | String | The currency for the fee. |
walletId | String | Unique identifier for the wallet. |
status | String | Status of the transaction. |
createdAt | String | Timestamp for when the transaction was created. |
details | Object | Contains details of the payout, including the entity and bank info. |
details. type | String | Type of transaction. |
details.beneficiary. entityType | String | Type of the entity involved. |
details.beneficiary.businessDetails. businessName | String | Name of the company associated with the transaction. |
details.beneficiary. address | Object | Address information for the company or beneficiary. |
details.beneficiary.address. addressLine1 | String | First line of the address. |
details.beneficiary.address. addressLine2 | String | Second line of the address (optional). |
details.beneficiary.address. region | String | Region or state of the address. |
details.beneficiary.address. city | String | City of the address. |
details.beneficiary.address. countryCode | String | Country code of the address. |
details.beneficiary.address. postCode | String | Postal code of the address. |
details.beneficiary.address. fullAddress | String | Full concatenated address string. |
details.beneficiary. bankAccount | Object | Object containing the bank account information. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount. format | String | Bank account format. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount. bankName | String | Name of the bank associated with the account. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount. accountNumber | String | Bank account number. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount. bankCode | String | Bank's SWIFT/BIC code. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount. bankAddress | Object | Address of the bank. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. addressLine1 | String | First line of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. addressLine2 | String | Second line of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. region | String | Region or state of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. city | String | City of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. countryCode | String | Country code of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. postCode | String | Postal code of the bank's address. |
details.beneficiary.bankAccount.bankAddress. fullAddress | String | Full concatenated address string of the bank. |
details.beneficiary. correspondentBic | String | Correspondent bank BIC code (if applicable). |
metadata | Object | Metadata related to the transaction. |
metadata.field1 | String | Additional metadata field 1. |
metadata.field2 | String | Additional metadata field 2. |
Updated 3 months ago
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