Making Payouts to a Business
To create a Fiat payout, you must have the recipient's bank account details, including the bank code (e.g., SCAN
for GBP payments, IBAN
, and BIC
for EUR payments) and the account number. If invalid bank details are provided, such as an incorrect bank code or account number, the payout request will be rejected.
Early Access
Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.
Metadata supported endpoint
Allowing you to include custom additional information with your request. The provided metadata will also be returned in the status endpoint for reference.
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | POST |
Sandbox | POST |
Note that in the payload request below it is possible to toggle between GBP and EUR for the benefit of the explaining within this documentation.
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: cbb1007a-6cf6-409e-94ed-7bc08ed7f6e0' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="Kd1ScqaaHohgNHsO2LLJPIHucECwYXY4YwFqQnS2mRb8AsMYxyDFsBaForMInYZq", ts="1725966831", nonce="lspGKa", mac="F7SFrkm/FtA6DIBkPjHEZGqk5f99QqAdJbj7j8vUx+M="' \
--data '{
"walletId": "a:24071743000626:go5SB1l:1",
"amount": {
"value": "100.00",
"currency": "GBP"
"paymentReference": "Ref112455",
"instruction": {
"type": "FIAT",
"beneficiary": {
"reference": null,
"details": {
"beneficiaryType": "SELF_OWNED",
"transferDestination": "LOCAL",
"currency": "GBP",
"businessDetails": {
"businessName": "Company ABC"
"address": {
"addressLine1": "Some address Line 1",
"addressLine2": "Some address Line 2",
"city": "Some city",
"region": "Some region",
"postCode": "ABCDEF",
"country": "GB"
"bankDetails": {
"accountNumber": "00015179",
"code": "040825",
"address": {
"country": "GB"
"metadata": {
"someKey": "someValue",
"someKey2": {
"someKey3": "someValue3"
curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: f4e48bf9-93bc-44b0-acd1-ca1add4e539b' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="Kd1ScqaaHohgNHsO2LLJPIHucECwYXY4YwFqQnS2mRb8AsMYxyDFsBaForMInYZq", ts="1725966988", nonce="vAPr6G", mac="z22Im3gU51F8MKjRD/PcT9TKoWsGfiDvds4GsX6tgGk="' \
--data '{
"walletId": "a:24071743003474:xE95Oq7:1",
"amount": {
"value": "100",
"currency": "EUR"
"paymentReference": "0IIJSsG4kz",
"instruction": {
"type": "FIAT",
"beneficiary": {
"reference": null,
"details": {
"beneficiaryType": "SELF_OWNED",
"transferDestination": "LOCAL",
"currency": "EUR",
"businessDetails": {
"businessName": "Company ABC"
"address": {
"country": "FR"
"bankDetails": {
"accountNumber": "FR7630006000011234567890189",
"code": "AGRIFRPP",
"address": {
"country": "FR"
"metadata": {
"someKey": "someValue",
"someKey2": {
"someKey3": "someValue3"
The details required in the payout request are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Description |
walletId | String | Specify your wallet id. The value expects the walletSlId when using the GET Wallets endpoint. |
amount.value | Big Decimal | Payout amount |
amount.currency | String | Specify the currency. Possible values: - USD - EUR - GBP |
paymentReference | String | Reference for the payment |
beneficiary.reference | String | Reference for the recipient |
beneficiary.storeForFutureUse | Boolean | Controls whether you would like to save this beneficiary for future use. true or false . |
beneficiary.details | Object | |
beneficiary.details.alias | String | Friendly name you would like to display for this recipient when storing it for future use. |
beneficiary.details.beneficiaryType | String | Type of recipient i.e. SELF_OWNED . |
beneficiary.details.transferDestination | String | LOCAL |
beneficiary.details.currency | String | Specify the currency. Possible values: - USD - EUR - GBP |
beneficiary.details.businessDetails.businessName | String | Recipient’s business name |
beneficiary.details.address | Object | Recipient's business address |
beneficiary.details.address.addressLine1 | String | Recipient’s address line 1 |
beneficiary.details.address.addressLine2 | String | Recipient’s address line 2 | | String | Recipient’s city |
beneficiary.details.address.postCode | String | Recipient’s postal code |
beneficiary.details.address.region | String | Recipient’s region | | String | Recipient’s country code |
beneficiary.details.bankDetails | Object | Recipient's business bank account details |
beneficiary.details.bankDetails.accountNumber | String | Recipient’s account number |
beneficiary.details.bankDetails.code | String | Recipient’s bank code |
beneficiary.details.bankDetails.address | String | Recipient's bank address | | String | Recipient’s bank country code |
beneficiary.details.paymentMethod | String | The payment method to be utilized for transactions associated with a specific beneficiary. This can be provided for US local payment methods only. Possible values: - ACH - FEDWIRE |
metadata | Object | Allows you to specify custom information you would like to include on payment creation. This will be provided back in the GET payment status calls also. This object will allow you to specify a "key" and a "value". Maximum character limit of 500. Example: "metadata": { "someKey": "someValue" } |
Successful response:
"transactionReference": "1a0c24c7-c578-40ff-92cc-7a56c320db00",
"fee": {
"value": 0.00,
"currency": "GBP"
In response, you will also receive a POST
header containing the transactionReference
Response codes
Status | HTTP Status code | Description |
PENDING | 201 | The payout is pending. |
400 | The payout has validation errors. |
Updated 2 months ago