Step 3: Creating a Transfer
This endpoint is used to facilitate internal transfers. They can be defined by a few scenarios:
The movement of funds between an Embedded Partner to an Embedded Partner Customer, Embedded Partner Customer to an Embedded Partner, and from an Embedded Partner Customer to another Embedded Partner Customer of the Embedded Partner.
Early Access
Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.
Idempotency supported endpoint
This means you can retry a request without worrying about it being processed multiple times.
To use this feature, add the
header with a unique value (a UUID). This ensures the request is only processed once, even if it's sent multiple times.
Environment | Endpoint |
Production | POST |
Sandbox | POST |
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: f21b904d-8edb-46b0-b049-e611b1994e1d' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="B9jnE1U8eLblzHtNeJZRxfcq03CQKcmcP9FOrACMzXb1HfrxrePWsTfuP70JNns9", ts="1633010032", nonce="guGXrD", mac="uKeg+w1qXqzaF/8mOQGv8Y9IlRxyxTT+iINLe03EQ60="' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"walletId": "a:24092328494070:G5i4XZ9:1",
"amount": {
"value": 1200,
"currency": "USD"
"paymentReference": "Payment for supplier #67890",
"instruction": {
"type": "FIAT",
"beneficiaryWalletId": "a:87333266494070:G5i9AT9:1",
"beneficiaryAccountReference": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614175680"
"metadata": {
"field1": "field1 value",
"field2": "field2 value"
Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
walletId | String | Yes | The unique identifier for the wallet from which the transfer will be made. |
amount | Object | Yes | Object containing value and currency for the transfer. |
amount.value | Number | Yes | The amount to be transferred out in the specified currency. |
amount.currency | String | Yes | The currency in which the transfer will be made. |
paymentReference | String | Yes | A reference string for the transfer, often used for invoicing or tracking purposes. |
instruction | Object | Yes | Contains information about the transfer instruction. |
instruction. type | String | Yes | The type of instruction, either "FIAT" or "CRYPTO". |
instruction. beneficiaryWalletId | String | Yes | Contains the walletId where the transfer should be made to. |
instruction. beneficiaryAccountReference | String | Yes | Contains the account reference where the transfer should be made to. |
metadata | Object | No | Metadata related to the transaction. |
Successful response
"transactionReference": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614175680",
"fee": {
"value": 1200,
"currency": "USD"
Response codes
Response code | Status | Description |
200 | Created | Request has been created successfully. |
400 | Bad request | Validation errors. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
transactionReference | String | Unique reference identifier for the transaction (UUID). |
fee | Object | Contains information about the fees related to the transfer. |
fee. value | Number | The value of the fee. |
fee. currency | String | The currency of the fee. |
Updated about 1 month ago