Get an Estimate for Crypto Payouts

The Estimate endpoint allows you to retrieve the latest exchange rates, fees and network costs for a crypto payout without creating an actual payout request. This feature helps you display detailed cost information to your users before any funds are moved, enhancing transparency and user trust.


POST /api/v1/pay/estimate

Request Overview

To generate an estimate, provide details such as the payout currencies, desired amount, and network information. You can choose to specify either:

  • The amount you want to send (walletRequiredAmount), or
  • The amount the recipient should receive (paidRequiredAmount).

The system will calculate the corresponding value for the other.

Sample Request

  "merchantId": "86955f40-8f4e-464c-be2b-583635bf1c62",
  "walletCurrency": "USD", 
  "paidRequiredAmount": 15,
  "paidCurrency": "USDT",
  "reference": "REF46730",
  "network": "ETHEREUM"

Request Parameters

merchantIdstringUnique identifier of the merchant requesting the estimate.✅ Yes
walletRequiredAmountnumberAmount in the wallet currency (sell currency). Specify this if you want to define how much to send.Optional
walletCurrencystringCurrency code of the wallet (e.g., USD).✅ Yes
paidRequiredAmountnumberAmount in the paid currency (buy currency). Specify this if you want to define how much to receive.Optional
paidCurrencystringCurrency code of the payout (e.g., USDT).✅ Yes
referencestringMerchant's internal reference ID for the estimate request.✅ Yes
networkstringBlockchain network to process the payout. Possible values include: TRON, ETHEREUM, LITECOIN, BITCOIN, RIPPLE, DOGECOIN, SOLANA, ALGORAND, CARDANO, BINANCE, POLYGON, BITCOIN_CASH.✅ Yes


walletRequiredAmount vs paidRequiredAmount

You can define either walletRequiredAmount (the amount to send in the wallet's currency) or paidRequiredAmount (the amount the recipient should receive). The system will calculate the corresponding value based on the latest rates and fees.

Successful Response

If the request is successful, you'll receive a 200 OK status with the estimated payout details.

Sample Response

  "externalId": "4f7768e5-cd82-42c4-80d6-18d84a5b3832",
  "accountId": "4ea1277f-29d7-11ed-84d9-0a878439b77f",
  "merchantId": "19eda61c-aabc-4186-8ab1-46a3da181bb6",
  "merchantWalletId": "5a32ec60-c175-4dae-9392-bbe17d18bcee",
  "customerReference": "REF46730",
  "walletCurrency": "USD",
  "walletRequiredAmount": 15.79,
  "paidCurrency": "USDT",
  "paidRequiredAmount": 15,
  "feeCurrency": "USD",
  "feePredictedAmount": 0.16,
  "networkFeeCurrency": "USD",
  "networkFeePredictedAmount": 1.62,
  "totalWalletAmount": 15.95,
  "exchangeRate": 0.949715,
  "customerId": null,
  "paymentExternalId": null,
  "network": "ETHEREUM"

Response Fields

Key Financial Information

The exchange rate is typically the most important piece of information that financial companies are after, as it directly affects the cost and value of transactions. Along with the source (walletCurrency) and destination (paidCurrency) currencies, this information helps you determine the exact conversion dynamics of the payout.

walletCurrencystringThe currency from which funds are debited (e.g., USD).
paidCurrencystringThe currency in which the payout is made (e.g., USDT).
exchangeRatenumberThe exchange rate applied between walletCurrency and paidCurrency.

Other Fields

externalIdstringUnique ID for the estimate request generated by the system.
accountIdstringInternal account ID associated with the estimate.
merchantIdstringThe merchant ID from the request.
merchantWalletIdstringID of the merchant’s wallet used for this payout.
customerReferencestringThe reference provided in the request (REF46730).
walletRequiredAmountnumberCalculated amount in the wallet currency required to fund the payout.
paidRequiredAmountnumberThe amount the recipient will receive.
feeCurrencystringCurrency in which the transaction fee is calculated.
feePredictedAmountnumberEstimated transaction fee in the feeCurrency.
networkFeeCurrencystringCurrency for the blockchain network fee.
networkFeePredictedAmountnumberEstimated blockchain network fee in networkFeeCurrency.
totalWalletAmountnumberTotal amount debited from the wallet, including fees and network costs.
customerIdstringAssociated customer ID, if applicable.
paymentExternalIdstringExternal payment ID, if linked to an actual transaction (usually null for estimates).
networkstringBlockchain network to process the payout. Possible values include: TRON, ETHEREUM, LITECOIN, BITCOIN, RIPPLE, DOGECOIN, SOLANA, ALGORAND, CARDANO, BINANCE, POLYGON, BITCOIN_CASH.