Setting Up a TronLink Wallet for TRX and USDT TRC20 tokens

If you wish to test sending payments using the Payments API in Sandbox, this guide will help you set up a TronLink wallet that you can add test tokens to.


  1. You need to Install TronLink in your browser. Follow the Link to the Chrome Web Store, and click add to chrome.
  1. Pin the extension to your browser by pressing the puzzle icon then the pin Icon next to TronLink.
  1. Click on the white arrow icon to open your TronLink wallet and you will be asked to create a new wallet. Follow the steps carefully and save your password and recovery codes in a safe place.
  1. Once Logged in you will automatically be on the TRON Mainnet, To change Networks click the networks dropdown in the middle at the top.
  1. The 'Networks' tab will open, click TRON Nile Testnet.
  1. You are now on the Nile TestNet, as shown by the 'TRON Nile Testnet' at the top left and SepoliaETH token name. Note that USDT TRC20 is also already enabled on TronLink and can also be tested with BVNKs Sandbox. You are all set up to receive test funds and happy testing!

Adding USDT TRC20

  1. To add USDT TRC20 tokens to your TronLink wallet, you need to import the tokens by adding the smart contract to your wallet. Under the Assets section of your wallet click the '+' icon.

  2. This will open up the Custom Token section, showing your currently followed tokens, you will want to search for the contract we support in the search bar.

  3. Enter the contract address TXYZopYRdj2D9XRtbG411XZZ3kM5VkAeBf and click the '+' icon next to the USDT token that appears. You will now be following that token on your TronLink Wallet.

  4. Now USDT TRC20 is added to your TronLink Wallet, and all transactions in this token will be available on your wallet. Get some test funds loaded and happy testing!