
This guide helps you integrate and configure the BVNK WooCommerce plugin with your WooCommerce store, enabling secure cryptocurrency and stablecoin payments.



Ensure WooCommerce is installed and active before proceeding.

  1. Download the BVNK WooCommece Plugin
    1. Obtain the BVNK Digital Payments plugin ZIP file from your BVNK Solutions Consultant to get the plugin ZIP file
  2. Upload the Plugin
    1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
    2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
    3. Click Upload Plugin and select the plugin ZIP file.
    4. Click Install Now.
    5. Activate the Plugin
    6. Once installed, click Activate.

Initial Setup

  1. Navigate to Plugin Settings
  2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  3. Locate BVNK Digital Payments in the list of payment methods.
  4. Click Set up or Manage next to it.
  5. Configure Plugin Settings
    1. Enable/Disable Gateway:
      Toggle the checkbox to enable or disable BVNK as a payment option.
    2. Title:
      Enter the name customers will see at checkout (e.g., "Pay with Cryptocurrency").
    3. Description:
      Provide a brief description of the payment method (e.g., "Secure cryptocurrency payments powered by BVNK").
    4. API Key and Secret:
      Obtain these from your BVNK account dashboard.
      Enter them in the respective fields.
    5. Webhook URL
      Copy the URL when creating the Merchant ID within the BVNK Portal.
    6. Webhook Secret:
      Copy the secret key provided by BVNK for webhook validation.
    7. Merchant ID:
      Enter your unique BVNK Merchant ID.
    8. Test Mode:
      Enable test mode for sandbox transactions during setup and testing.
    9. Exception Policies:
      Configure underpayment, overpayment, and late payment behaviours. If automatic is selected please reach out to the BVNK team as this will rely on a setting configured on their backend. The automatic policy, will initiate an automated refund flow that will send an email to the user, where they will be able to claim back the funds.
    10. Save Changes
      Click the Save Changes button to apply your settings.

Testing the Integration

  1. Enable Test Mode
    In the plugin settings, toggle Test Mode to Enabled.
    This ensures all transactions are processed in the sandbox environment.
  2. Place a Test Order
    Add a product to your cart and proceed to checkout.
    Select BVNK Digital Payments as the payment method.
    Complete the order using test credentials provided by BVNK.
    Verify Order Status
    Check the WooCommerce Orders page to ensure the test order has been processed successfully.

Switching to Live Mode

  1. Disable Test Mode
    In the plugin settings, toggle Test Mode to Disabled.
  2. Confirm API Credentials
    Ensure you have entered live API Key, Secret, and Merchant ID in the settings.
  3. Save and Test Live Transactions
    Place a real order using BVNK Digital Payments to confirm the live setup works.

Monitoring and Managing Transactions

View Orders

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders to monitor payments processed through BVNK.
  2. Use the order notes to view BVNK transaction references.


  1. Open an order in WooCommerce > Orders.
  2. Click Refund and confirm the action to process a refund via BVNK.

Check Logs

If logging is enabled, logs can be accessed for debugging payment issues.
Logs are stored in the default WooCommerce logs directory.

Custom Order Statuses

The plugin will also introduce custom order statuses for enhanced tracking of BVNK-specific transactions. Here are the possible custom statuses:

  1. Underpaid
    Description: The customer paid less than the required amount.
    Action Needed: Decide whether to refund the amount or request the remaining balance from the customer.
  2. Overpaid
    Description: The customer paid more than the required amount.
    Action Needed: Issue a refund for the excess payment if configured in the settings.

Deactivate the Plugin

  1. Go to Plugins in the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Locate BVNK Digital Payments and click Deactivate.
  3. Delete the Plugin
  4. After deactivating, click Delete to remove the plugin.
    The plugin automatically removes its settings and data from the database during uninstallation.


  1. What currencies are supported?
    The plugin supports cryptocurrencies and stablecoins supported by BVNK.
  2. What is the Webhook Secret?
    The Webhook Secret is a security token used to validate incoming webhook requests from BVNK.
  3. How do I contact support?
    Use the live chat within the BVNK portal or the Help Center.