Fiat Payments


Early Access

Please note that this endpoint is currently in early access, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.

What is a Fiat Payment?

Fiat Payouts refer to fiat currency (Example EUR, GBP) payouts to bank accounts of end-users or businesses directly from your BVNK merchant account (wallets).

Fiat Payins refer to fiat currency (Example EUR, GBP) payins from any bank accounts of end-users or businesses directly to your BVNK Virtual Accounts.


Testing Fiat Payouts in Sandbox

A test VIBAN is required in order to initiate FIAT payouts.
Please contact the integrations team to set one up if you wish to test this flow.

  • State the currency EUR/GBP

Once a wallet and VIBAN has been created you may convert funds to this wallet and test the flow.
It is important to note that no funds will be received when creating a payout as this is only a test function.

What is a Fiat Webhook?

Webhooks are a form of event-driven communication, which means they execute immediately after a request is received. This mechanism allows BVNK to send real-time data to you when a specific event occurs such as a payin or a payout, the update of the event is sent via an HTTP request.