Hosted Agreements

The BVNK Agreements API enables you to create and manage agreements between BVNK and your customers (referred to as Embedded Partner Customers). This document outlines the core endpoints, request/response formats, and example usage.


BETA endpoint

Please note that this endpoint is currently in beta, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.

Your application will redirect users to a BVNK-hosted page where they can view and sign all required agreements (e.g., BVNK Privacy Policy, BVNK Terms & Conditions, etc.). Once the user signs, BVNK returns them to your application with a signed agreement reference, which you then include when creating the Embedded Customer.

Overall Flow

Create a Hosted Agreement Session
You call POST /customers/agreement/session to generate a unique signing session. BVNK responds with a hostedUrl where your customer can sign the agreements.

Open BVNK’s Agreement Page (1st redirect)

  • Your front end redirects the user to the returned hostedUrlconcantenated with redirectURL parameter.
  • The user sees a public page with all of the necessary agreements and buttons to Sign or Reject.

Sign the Agreements

  • When the user clicks Sign, status session will be changed to SIGNEDautomatically. This finalises the signature of the session.

Complete the Process (2nd redirect)

  • The BVNK-hosted page then issues a 302 redirect back to your redirectURL. This ensures the user is returned to your application with the updated session and status set to eitherSIGNEDor DECLINED.

Create the Embedded Customer

  • Finally, if the user status session is SIGNED you include the signedAgreementSessionReference from the SIGNED session in a POST /customers call to create a new Embedded Customer.