Creating a Customer (Business) via API

This endpoint enables you to create business (company) customers. Once a customer is created, we initiate verification. You can then retrieve the customer object or listen to webhooks (coming soon) to track the status change from PENDING_AGREEMENTS to VERIFIED or REJECTED.


  • Gathering and validating customer data (IDs, address proofs, etc.) before creating the customer is crucial for a smooth KYC/KYB flow.
  • A successful customer creation returns a CustomerReference you will use to track verification status.
  • Documents are not uploaded in this request. They must be added separately via a dedicated documents endpoint.


BETA endpoint

Please note that this endpoint is currently in beta, and it may undergo changes as we continue to improve and refine the functionality.


Idempotency supported endpoint

This means you can retry a request without worrying about it being processed multiple times.

To use this feature, add the X-Idempotency-Key header with a unique value (a UUID). This ensures the request is only processed once, even if it's sent multiple times.



Create a Business (Company) Customer

Use this to create a business (company) customer. You can associate multiple beneficial owners, controlling persons, and signers (often referred to collectively as “associates”).


Example – business customer creation with associates:

curl --location '' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: 0b3ed172-e24f-43f5-a901-4f7b6d138ebe' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="YourHawkID", ts="1728655954", nonce="MdPBLt", mac="jGEwZvz7rVO3lM3Ose8Ww1PtgnsHBe7eFph3Nzj5H6Y="' \
--data-raw '{
  "type": "COMPANY",
  "company": {
    "name": "The Walt Disney Company",
    "description": "Entertainment business",
    "taxResidenceCountryCode": "US",
    "registrationNumber": "26-4532998",
    "industryCode": "74101",
    "address": {
      "addressLine1": "500 S Buena Vista St",
      "city": "Burbank",
      "postalCode": "91521",
      "state": "CA",
      "countryCode": "US"
    "associates": [
        "person": {
          "firstName": "Donald",
          "lastName": "Duck",
          "dateOfBirth": "1908-11-29",
          "address": {
            "addressLine1": "1313 Webfoot Street",
            "city": "Duckburg",
            "postalCode": "4587",
            "state": "CA",
            "countryCode": "US"
          "contactInfo": {
            "emailAddress": ""
          "taxIdentification": {
            "number": "384-37-3429",
            "taxResidenceCountryCode": "US"
        "title": "COO",
        "riskScore": "MEDIUM",
        "controls": {
          "hasOwnership": true,
          "hasControl": false,
          "isSigner": true
  "signedAgreementSessionReference": "78eedde1-2402-4a59-8bbd-ccecb6d612d1",
  "riskScore": "LOW"

Request Body Parameters (Company)

typestringYesThe type of customer. COMPANY indicates a business.
companyobjectYesContains details of the company.
company.namestringYesThe legal name of the company.
company.descriptionstringNoOptional description or short bio of the company.
company.taxResidenceCountryCodestringYesThe country code for the company’s tax residence.
company.registrationNumberstringYesThe official company registration or identifier.
company.industryCodestringYesNumeric or alphanumeric industry code, e.g. 74101.
company.monthlyExpectedVolumesReferencestringYesMonthly expected volumes reference. Get the list here .
company.addressobjectYesAddress details of the company.
company.address.addressLine1stringYesThe first line of the company’s street address.
company.address.addressLine2stringNoOptional second line.
company.address.postalCodestringYesThe postal/ZIP code for the company’s address.
company.address.citystringYesThe city for the company’s address.
company.address.statestringNoThe state of the company’s address (U.S. only).
company.address.countryCodestringYesThe country for the company’s address.
company.associatesarrayNoA list of individuals (UBOs, directors, signers) associated with the business. (per associate)Personal details for the associate. given/first name. family/last name. format. details of the associate. first line of the street address. city of the associate’s address. postal/ZIP code. country code. contact info. address. tax ID details of the associate. SSN or TIN. code of the associate’s tax residence. title or position, e.g. COO. rating for this associate (e.g. MEDIUM). specific ownership or control. this individual is an owner. this individual has controlling power. this individual can sign on behalf of the entity.
signedAgreementSessionReferencestringYesReference to an e-sign or terms acceptance session.
riskScorestringYesOverall risk rating of the Company, e.g. LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH


Response CodeDescription
202Successful operation.
400Bad request.

Success Example:

  "reference": "a7e21c62-27b8-4b3b-b51e-eb10edeb1731",
  "status": "PENDING"

Failure Example:

  "code": "ACCOUNTS-2000",
  "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "message": "Invalid request",
  "details": {
    "errors": {
      "industryReference": [
        "Industry with reference: 56e65ebc-06fa-11ef-bbf8-02d3d923cf2b does not exist"

Add Documents to a Customer

Use this endpoint to attach documents to an existing customer—either at the company level or for a specific associate (beneficial owner, director, or signer). Each call uploads a single document. Call the endpoint multiple times if you need to attach more than one file.


  • Make sure to reference the correct customerReference.
  • Use personReference when the document belongs to a specific associate. If omitted (or null), the document is attached at the company level for business customers.
  • Files must be base64-encoded before sending.




Example – uploading a document for an associate:

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Hawk id="YourHawkID", ts="1678900000", nonce="abc123", mac="xyz789..."' \
--data-raw '{
  "personReference": "9b2c3d4e-567f-48f0-abc1-03a4e3df12ab",
  "type": "PASSPORT",
  "name": "John Smith ID.pdf",
  "content": "JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMSAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdl..."

Path Parameter

customerReferencestringYesThe unique identifier of the customer to whom the document will be attached.

Request Body Parameters

personReferencestringNoUsed to link the document to a specific associate (e.g., beneficial owner). If omitted or null, the document is attached at the company level.
typestringYesThe document type, e.g. PASSPORT, DRIVERS_LICENSE, PROOF_OF_ADDRESS, etc.
namestringNoOptional human-readable filename, e.g. "John Smith ID.pdf".
contentstringYesBase64-encoded file content.


Response CodeDescription
202Request accepted and document queued for upload.
400Bad request (e.g., missing or invalid data).

Success Example:

  "reference": "d42e1c62-27b8-4b3b-b51e-eb10edeb1731",
  "message": "Document uploaded successfully.",
  "status": "ACCEPTED"

Failure Example:

  "code": "DOCUMENTS-4000",
  "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
  "message": "Invalid document content",
  "details": {
    "errors": {
      "content": [
        "Document file content is not valid base64"

Good to know

  1. Check Document Status

    • Once uploaded, we run checks on the document. You can retrieve the customer or associated person object to see if it’s recognised.
  2. Retain Document References

    • The reference returned in the success response may be used for future queries or audits.
  3. Combine with KYC

    • Document verification may be necessary before the customer can move from PENDING_VERIFICATION to VERIFIED.

Verification & Next Steps

  1. Verification Process
    Once created, the customer enters a PENDING_AGREEMENTS (or similar) state while we wait for required agreements and checks. After that, verification may proceed in a PENDING_VERIFICATION state until KYC/KYB is complete. The time to verify can vary from seconds to hours, depending on risk profiles and document completeness.

  2. Retrieving Customer Status

    • GET /platform/v1/customers/{reference} to fetch the current status.
    • Or configure BVNK webhooks to receive updates when a verification result is determined.
  3. Possible Statuses

    • PENDING_AGREEMENTS: Awaiting agreement acceptance or further inputs.
    • PENDING: Verification in progress.
    • VERIFIED: Customer has been verified.
    • REJECTED: Customer has been rejected during verification. see details for more info.