Estimating a network fee

Retrieve estimated network fees for a payout (optional)

This endpoint allows you to obtain the estimated network fees the payout will incur before creating it. We recommend that you display the fees to your end customer for transparency.



  • The fee amount returned is indicative and not guaranteed when initiating the payout


To get the estimated network fee, use the /network-fee endpoint.

curl --location --request GET ''

Let's go through the details you'll need to supply in the estimate network fee request:

currencystringThe currency code that you want to get the network fee in.
Retrieve the currency code from the /currency endpoint
protocolstringThe protocol the payout will be processed on. See which currencies can have different protocols.

Success response

After submitting this successfully, you'll receive a response in the following format

  "feeEstimate": 0.00005016,
  "currency": "USDT",
  "protocol": "ERC20"

Failure response

An incorrect request will result in a 400 error message. See example below.

    "errorList": [
            "parameter": "currency",
            "code": "invalidCurrency",
            "message": "Currency is not supported"

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