Creates a quote to convert between wallets.

Create a quote to exchange between two wallets within the account. For example exchange from a EUR wallet to a USDC Wallet.

  "from": "EUR",
  "to": "USDC",
  "fromWallet": 3598236,
  "useMaximum": false,
  "useMinimum": false,
  "toWallet": 3598514,
  "amountIn": "10",
  "payInMethod": "wallet",
  "payOutMethod": "wallet"
    "id": 1763132,
    "from": "EUR",
    "to": "USDC",
    "amountIn": 10.000000000000000000,
    "amountDue": 10.000000000000000000,
    "amountOut": 10.878341000000000000,
    "price": 0.919257817000000000,
    "quoteStatus": "PENDING",
    "paymentStatus": "PENDING",
    "acceptanceExpiryDate": 1679585061667,
    "acceptanceDate": null,
    "paymentExpiryDate": 1679585941264,
    "paymentReceiptDate": null,
    "payInLegs": [],
    "payInMethod": {
        "id": 5,
        "code": "wallet",
        "settlementCurrency": "EUR",
        "requestedCurrency": null,
        "estimatedExchangeRate": null,
        "accountMethods": []
    "payOutMethod": {
        "id": 3,
        "code": "wallet",
        "currency": "USDC",
        "accountMethods": [
                "id": 8758,
                "display": null
    "uuid": "38df446a-7ec2-4af6-a123-7683dfe6ce66",
    "payOutInstruction": null,
    "payInInstruction": null,
    "usePayInMethod": {
        "id": 11719,
        "display": null
    "usePayOutMethod": {
        "id": 8758,
        "display": null
    "fee": 0.010000000000000000,
    "processingFee": 0E-18,
    "type": "FIXED",
    "netPrice": 0.919257817000000000,
    "grossPrice": 0.919257817000000000,
    "amountInGross": 1E+1,
    "amountInNet": 10.000000000000000000,
    "fees": {
        "percentage": {
            "service": 0.0010,
            "processing": 0.0000
        "value": {
            "service": 0.01,
            "processing": 0
    "dateCreated": 1679585041679,
    "lastUpdated": 1679585041679